Etsy Shop Data Analysis: Deep Analytical Insights & Reporting

About this Service

Do you use the data that Etsy automatically collects about your shop? Have you considered analyzing your Etsy shop data?

Do you need help analyzing or understanding what your sales or product data means for your shop?

I can help you understand what's working and not working for your shop!

I offer my data analytic services so that you can better understand your customers, competitors, keywords, products, and more! By providing me with your sales and product data (csv files), I'll be able to conduct a thorough analysis to gain deep insights into your shop and share my findings with you!

The three service packages I offer are broken up by how deep you'd like me to get into your data, and by how much you'd like me to offer you suggestions on your shop, products, keywords, and more.

Please contact me at if you have any questions!


About the Seller

Memeber since
April, 2022

Digital Enthusiast. Passionate About Maintaining A Digital Presence For Small Businesses & Individuals Alike

Service Delivery
$50 /service

Receive a basic analysis of your customer and product data. Receive a clean dataset for further analysis
3 Day Delivery
No Revisions
Service Delivery
$150 /service

Receive a basic report around your customer and product data. Cross referenced with your competitors, industry, and product / market fit for pattern making. Report shares next steps, new product suggestions, and new keyword implementation and marketing tactics. Receive a clean dataset for further analysis
5 Day Delivery
No Revisions
Service Delivery
$250 /service

Receive an in-depth report around your customer and product data. Cross referenced with your competitors, industry, and product / market fit for pattern making. Report shares next steps, new product suggestions, and new keyword implementation and marketing tactics. New product examples attached with report. Receive a clean dataset for further analysis
7 Day Delivery
No Revisions